Moving to new career? Here are 3 important tips to remember

If you ever thought about moving to different field, this would be not too late to begin considering it seriously. If you decide, here are some important steps to help make it easier.
  1. Make the right approach for career change: It's quite human nature to maintain the status quo. First, figure out what holds you back. Establish a timeframe with small but specific actions toward your goal to accomplish each week, and create your own milestones along the way. Go for it. 
  2. Build reputation before career change. Be mindful about stepping out on your own without establishing yourself first. You have responsibilities that include being smart about your next steps.
  3. Never too late to build a second career. "At the time of recession in USA, Barbara Berman was laid off from a mortgage company and faced the prospect of building a new career from the ground up. She was 56. Instead of developing a model through trial and error, Berman took advantage of a six-week small-business training program for workers who had lost their jobs paid for by the federal government." - That's a good idea. Attend some useful training sessions in the new field you are shifting.
Coach Yourself to a New Career: 7 Steps to Reinventing Your Professional Life

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