Careers to Watch in 2012

Even after Obama's promise of jobs, people are still wary of whether or not the unemployment rate will decrease in 2012. The job market has been tough for years now, and many are starting to become disillusioned – believing that things won't turn around regardless of who is in the White House.

However, in spite of all the negativity, there are a few industries that are expected to grow in the upcoming year, and they are expected to create thousands of new positions. A few of these industries include:


Because of the aging baby-boomers, hospitals are increasing their staff to accommodate them.Physical therapy, medical coding and billing, and nursing are all expected to open more positions in the future. While that doesn't mean everyone with a degree with obtain the position they wish, it does mean that they have a greater likelihood at getting a job than their liberal arts counterparts.


Lower end positions are becoming more and more automated or outsourced which is reducing the need for many “blue collar” positions, but managers are still needed. A robot can't manage a robot. Those with managerial experience or degrees in Business Administration will be prime candidates for these types of positions.


The worsening state of the economy has actually made accountants and personal finance officers in high demand. Individuals and companies alike are looking for good professionals to keep their books in order, and to make sure that retirement is right on track.

Information Technology

There is no doubt that computers are the way of the future, and as we become more connected through technology the need to IT positions will only continue to grow. Expect positions within IT such as project managers, network developers, and web developers, to increase in the upcoming year.

Animal Healthcare

Animal care is one of the only recession proof industries left in the US. Even when the economy is bad, people will still purchase their dog some clothes, buy special cat toys, and take their pet to the vet whenever necessary. In the following year, the need to vets and veterinarian technicians is expected to grow as the growing population of humans will only mean a growing population of pets.

Finding a job can be a little difficult in this market. However, finding a job in this market that you love can seem nearly impossible. Take note of your talents and interests, and make sure to obtain the education necessary for any field you wish so that you are able to stand out amongst other job applicants.

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